The last day of the world / ESSAY

There are so many thoughts and feelings running in my brain the second I hear “the end of the world”.

At first I thought that I’d be really scared, but then I realized that that’s not really true. I’d probably be relieved. Relieved because there is nothing left to worry about. I spend so much of my time constantly worried about people, what they think of me, how they feel, how I feel, what my future will be like, but all of that is just gone for a second when I hear “the end of the world”. And for a second my mind only concentrates on the good parts of my life. Therefore, I’m sure that the last day of the world would be filled with happiness and relief. Even If I knew I had only a few more seconds left to live I’d want to spend it with the person I love most in the whole world. Being next to them would make the whole world disappear as it always does and I’d really just have nothing else to worry about.

When people say everything has an end you don’t think that’s true until the end actually comes and you realize that you put so much of yourself into something or someone for it to just end in a second. Thinking about the last day of the world makes you feel the exact same way. Stupid. Stupid for caring too much.